
Prayer Ministry

My house shall be called a house of prayer. Matthew 21:13

Victory Assembly is committed to prayer. We believe that our Lord instructs us to pray about all things. (Philippians 4:6) We believe prayer has power through the name of Jesus. (John 14:13-14) Prayer is not only talking to God the Father but listening to Him speak as well. Prayer is essential for drawing closer to God, knowing His will for our lives, and giving us strength, hope, wisdom, and guidance, and it increases our faith when our prayers are answered.

Our prayer team is a group of powerful prayer warriors! We meet 30 minutes before our Discipleship Class each Sunday to pray for the morning services and any needs brought to our attention. We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month to pray for each other, the church, the nation, and the world. As a frontline group of warriors for the church, we must hold each other up in prayer to stay strong. We're available each Sunday morning during service to pray for the congregation's needs. The second Sunday of each month is our all-church prayer meeting at 6:00 pm.


Group Prayer – Sunday mornings

All Church Prayer Meeting – 2nd Sunday of every month

Group Prayer – 3rd Friday


Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

Our Evangelism Ministry is passionate about reaching the lost, especially in the unique times and seasons we find ourselves in. Following the example of Jesus, who instructed His disciples to spread the gospel to all creation, our primary mission is to GO! However, we recognize that our efforts are impossible through our strength alone. That is why we gather together on the first Friday of every month to pray, fast, and seek the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He leads and empowers us.

Our heartfelt desire is to see the brokenhearted restored, to bring hope to the hopeless, to offer healing to the sick, and to set free those bound by demonic forces (Mark 16:17-18). As Jesus emphasized in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and beyond.

Remember, just one soul is precious to the Lord (Luke 15:7), and together, we can make a difference in the Great Commission.


Prayer Meeting – First Friday of every month

Community Outreach - Third and Last Saturday of each month


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever

I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that Christ commissioned us to make disciples of all believers. We teach the unabridged Word of God. We believe the Gospel is true and essential for our growth as Christians, learning to live God’s way. In today’s world, we must know what God’s Word says and how to apply it to everyday life.

Our discipleship classes (Sunday School) are held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. We have a curriculum for all ages.


At Victory, we enjoy praising the Lord with hymns and contemporary music. From time to time, we highlight choir and ensemble groups. It is our joy to bring the congregation into an atmosphere of worship when they enter the sanctuary. We believe that when we worship our Savior, we open the door for His presence to come into our midst.

Worship & Media


Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth

Psalms 100:1 NIV

We are not experts or have experience in media; we are just committed to serving and love to worship God. We do enjoy technology and fellowship.

We do our best to provide an audio and visual experience that enhances the worship service and creates a welcoming environment. We stream live video and audio to YouTube and record audio and video during regular Church services, Sunday school, and special events. Sometimes, we edit or record audio and video for broadcast and production.

Men's Ministry

Victory Assembly is the most unique church I have ever been privileged to be a part of. We have people from all over the world who worship and work together. Our members come from the Americas, Africa, and many parts of Asia. This is what heaven will look like! Our pastor, Pastor Docusen, has fostered an environment where we can celebrate what each culture brings to our body. Our Men's Ministry is a reflection of that.

The Men's Ministry is focused on building relationships among the men and serving the church. Once a month, the men get together for what we call Men's Night Out. This is a chance for the men to meet and share a meal and fellowship at a local restaurant. Occasionally, we are even hosted by one of our families in their home! Also, the men occasionally gather at the church on a Saturday morning to work on necessary maintenance items.

Womens Ministries

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; But exhorting one another; and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:25

The goal of Women’s Ministry is to provide an environment for relationship and encouragement, opportunities to strengthen our relationship with God, and minister to others.

Mom's Group

Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27: 17

The Mom's Group is a community designed to welcome and support mothers at every stage of our journeys. Wearing many hats when managing and nurturing our families, from stay-at-home moms to being in the workforce, but most importantly, as children of God.

At Mom's group, we fellowship and encourage one another through prayer and words of wisdom. No matter where we are in our walk of Motherhood, from the new Mom to a Grandmother, we believe we have an unwavering calling upon our lives and what better way to respond than to get together at Mom's group meetings and press toward the mark.

Mom's Group meets monthly, with occasional guest speakers and movie nights to add variety to our gatherings. Our group is open to all mothers whether you are a member of our church or not.

Childrens Ministry

But Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14

The Children’s Ministry offers Biblical teaching that is faith-based, educational, and fun. We teach lessons that are biblically accurate, and show how they relate to every day life. With life lessons, we show children how to connect with God, through His Word and Prayer. We encourage children to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to live a life that is Christ-centered.


We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed . . . .

1st Corinthians 15:51

Our nursery is lovingly staffed with those who have a heart-felt desire to care for children 0 – 2 years of age. We want to partner with you, the parent, in your child’s overall development.


  • 2 – 3 Diapers

  • A change of clothes

  • A bottle or sippy cup with your child’s first & last name on it, filled with the drink that you would prefer your child to have during service time.

  • Any instructions and/ or allergy information that would be helpful for our team to care for your child.


Jr. V-Kids (Ages 3 - 5)

This class meets after the worship portion of the Sunday Morning Service (around 10:50am). Our teachers have a love for Christ and want to share their love with your child. We have story-time, play-time, and snack-time. Your child’s class is equipped with age-appropriate toys, curriculum, singing, and activities. We teach a Christ-centered lesson that speaks to the heart of a child in this age group.



V-Kids (Grades K - 5 th)

This class meets after the worship portion of the Sunday Morning Service (around 10:50am) and is specifically designed with a curriculum for elementary age children that conveys Bible truths. It is an energetic service with lessons to challenge children to use their talents through puppet skits, drama, praise, worship and fun games. We also teach children about setting and meeting personal goals that will help develop them for the future.

VKids has a mission challenge that we support - Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC). BGMC supports our missionaries in their fields of ministry around the world. The funds raised helps our missionaries purchase equipment, literature, and other supplies needed to further the Gospel of Christ. Each month VKids learns about a different country and how the people of that country live, their needs and how our missionaries present them with the Word of God.


The "Youth of The Upper Room", are an exciting and determined group who want to have a closer walk with Christ. We have a group of leaders who hold Christ as priority in their own lives on a daily basis. We enjoy service upstairs each Sunday following praise & worship, where we take a dive into different series within the Bible learning about the Apostle Paul's journey, the life of David, and even a walk through the book of Luke, etc.

Each Sunday we meet, except for 1st Sunday as we join the primary service downstairs.